Pashn is a subscription solution for those who want to take important steps in their relationship and turn up the heat again!Pashn is the assistance you and your partner need to make your relationship glow. It all starts with yourself, how you are as a partner, and what you bring into the relationship. You make all the difference.The app, therefore, does not limit that both of you must use the app to feel better. With Pashn, you get inspiration, reminders, and affirmations that help you recreate the excitement in the relationship and take it to new heights.Nina and Sigmund Sontum are renowned gestalt therapists with 25 years of experience in couples development. The couple has previously written a regular relationship column in TB and has published the relationship book "Out of the Sandbox." Together, they are behind Pashn to share their knowledge and experiences with everyone who wants to have a better relationship.The app serves as an effective and inspiring everyday tool, where you will be provided with essential tools for you and your relationship. Pashn is for everyone, whether you are doing great together or where one experiences a lack of playfulness and excitement in the relationship.Through Pashn, you will have access to:1. Weekly missions related to important topics for you and your relationship. Here, you will be guided through various steps during the week, with tips, reflections, and tasks.2. You will also receive a weekly commentary from Nina and Sigmund, providing a good explanation of why the mission is essential to improving your relationship.3. After completing each mission, you will be asked to record how you perceive the temperature in the relationship. Here, you will have an overview page where you can monitor how you have experienced the temperature in the relationship over time.4. Pashn will send you fun and inspiring notifications, contributing to more playfulness and excitement in your everyday life.